
You can reach our customer service team through the contact form on our website, emailing us directly, or calling us at the contact number provided on our website. We aim to respond to all queries within 24 hours

Yes, we provide our services to individual consumers as well as commercial entities, including small, medium, and large-scale businesses

The delivery timeline can vary depending on the destination and the type of service chosen. However, we aim to deliver within the expected timeline provided during the quotation

We follow a strict safety protocol which includes thorough checks at each stage of the process - packaging, loading, transit, unloading, and final delivery

You can get a quotation by contacting our customer service team through our website, email, or phone call. We will need details like the type and quantity of goods, pickup and delivery location, etc., to provide an accurate quotation

Yes, we handle fragile items with complete care and precaution. We deliver all goods in the same condition they were received. We also offer protective packaging to ensure safety during transit